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Portrait of a Woman

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Allan Ramsay, II (Edinburgh, 1713 - 8/10/1784, Dover)


Portrait of a Woman

Creation Date



18th century


50 1/16 in. x 40 1/16 in. (127.16 cm. x 101.76 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, United Kingdom

Medium and Support

oil on canvas

Credit Line

Bequest of John Nichols, Class of 1936, and Dorothy C. Estabrook


Public Domain

Accession Number


Allan Ramsay’s sojourn in Italy from 1736 to 1738 provided first-hand knowledge of painting styles, colors, and techniques. On his return, he established a portrait studio in London, developing a reputation for a naturalism new to British painting. Sought-after by Scottish and English nobility, his success eventually led to his appointment as Principal Painter to King George III in 1767. Ramsay was especially noted for his elegant portraits of women. Although this sitter’s identity is unknown, Ramsey masterfully captured her youthfulness and fashionable dress in a classical setting.

Object Description

portrait of an unknown lady, three quarter length, wearing a white satin dress with a blue sash standing near a plinth in a landscape

Keywords: portraits