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Preview image of work. pen and ink, wash on paper,  Subjects Undetermined (figures and miscellaneous subjects) (a&b) 2185

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Subjects Undetermined (figures and miscellaneous subjects) (a&b)

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Artist Unidentified


Subjects Undetermined (figures and miscellaneous subjects) (a&b)

Creation Date

ca. 1550-1650


16th-17th century


6 3/16 in. x 8 1/8 in. (15.7 cm. x 20.7 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, France

Medium and Support

pen and ink, wash on paper


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

(a) recto: upper left, a king (?) seated on a throne wearing late 16th or early 17th century costume; beside throne a fleur-de-lis; in center above is a crown placed on a box or low table covered by cloth embroidered with fleur-de-lis; to the right a young prince (?) standing in front of a chair; below in center are two winged figures supporting a medallion surmounted by a cardinal's hat; at bottom from left to right are a large bird with long tail, an owl, upper part of a nude male figure, head of a man with arms raised above him and a parrot.

(b) verso: upper left, a semi-nude woman holding palette and brushes in left hand, looking to her right at a Cupid whose hands are placed on her shoulders; in upper right are miscellaneous arms; below to right are a seated nude female looking toward left of drawing, holding a flower in her right hand; in lower left a nude boy seated; in center is a nightingale; "Rubens" in pencil below.