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Preview image of work. color print/poster on paper,  Exhibition Poster: "Lucas de Leyde (Died 1533) Gravures"; Institut Néerlandais, Paris, France. (14-30 Avril 1959) 15690


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Exhibition Poster: "Lucas de Leyde (Died 1533) Gravures"; Institut Néerlandais, Paris, France. (14-30 Avril 1959)

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Lucas van Leyden (Leyden [Leiden] Netherlands, 1489/94 - 8/8/1533, Leyden [Leiden] Netherlands)


Exhibition Poster: "Lucas de Leyde (Died 1533) Gravures"; Institut Néerlandais, Paris, France. (14-30 Avril 1959)

Creation Date

ca. 1959


mid-20th century


20 7/8 in. x 14 15/16 in. (53.02 cm x 37.94 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Netherlands

Medium and Support

color print/poster on paper

Credit Line

Gift of Judith Keenan


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number
