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Preview image of work. graphite, ink, India ink, watercolor, charcoal on paper,  Drawings, approximately 1500 sheets including pencil and charcoal sketches, watercolors, and prints 35427


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Drawings, approximately 1500 sheets including pencil and charcoal sketches, watercolors, and prints

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Walter Pach (New York, New York, 1883 – 1958, New York, New York); Magda Pach (Magdalena Frohberg) (Dresden, Germany, 1884 – 1950, New York, NY)


Drawings, approximately 1500 sheets including pencil and charcoal sketches, watercolors, and prints

Creation Date

ca. 1921-1949


11 x 8 1/2 in. (27.94 x 21.59 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

graphite, ink, India ink, watercolor, charcoal on paper

Credit Line

Gift of Francis M. Naumann and Marie T. Keller


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Object Description

Stack of drawings, approximately 1500 sheets. Most are same size and 3 hole-punched, 11 x 8 1½ inches. Some sheets are torn from perforated sketchpads; 4 drawings are on 12 x 9 inch paper. There are scattered smaller sheets, a watercolor, two prints. A few are drawn recto-verso, but most are one-sided.
Various subjects. Some preparatory sketches for paintings. Many pencil figure sketches, female and male models in various poses. No blank sheets.

Expanded description: Within this large group of about 1500 works on paper, the vast majority are drawings, with a few watercolor sketches and two prints also included. Media used include graphite, ink, sepia, India ink, charcoal, and watercolor. Most are on plain 8-1/2 x 11 in. notebook paper with 3 holes or torn from a spiral binding.
All are untitled except "Greyhound 239." There are scattered dates between 1921 and 1949 (see Marks). Subjects include figure drawings of female and male nudes, including many of Black models; dramatic scenes; portraits of individuals including children and Black adults; preliminary drawings for paintings; figurines and staues; floral and tree studies; cityscapes and landscapes, and more. Some drawings are sequential, capturing a model twice in the same pose.

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