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Preview image of work. graphite on board,  Untitled 14129


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Matt Mullican (Santa Monica, California, 1951 - )



Creation Date



late 20th century


14 1/8 in. x 14 1/8 in. (35.88 cm x 35.88 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

graphite on board

Credit Line

Gift of Sally and Wynn Kramarsky


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


“I drew it, I am drawing it, and I will probably always be drawing it . . . The cosmology is a way of generating ideas. It is a process that starts again and again and again.” In 2011, Matt Mullican described his ongoing effort to reach a deeper understanding of the universe by creating new means of its representation--“a way of decoding the world.” These two drawings emblematically render a model of the five worlds of the soul’s passage during life’s journey: the unspecified materiality of the world, formed objects of everyday use, creativity and the visual arts, language and abstract representation, and subjective interpretation. Over several decades, Mullican has fleshed out his concept in a wide variety of media, ranging from imaginary cityscapes to glass windows, granite engravings, banners, and posters.