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Preview image of work. acrylic, pastel and ink on paper,  Triptych #6 15280


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Triptych #6

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Norman Bluhm (Chicago, Illinois, 3/28/1921 - 2/3/1999, East Wallingford, Vermont)


Triptych #6

Creation Date



late 20th century


30 1/16 in. x 67 1/2 in. (76.36 cm x 171.45 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

acrylic, pastel and ink on paper

Credit Line

Gift of Cary and David Bluhm to honor Katy Kline


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


This sprawling, energetic triptych by abstract New York artist Norman Bluhm depicts shapes in bright oranges and reds, dark blacks and ochres that appear at once fluid and fixed. It served as one of several studies for his painting, Dante’s Promenade (1984). Having trained in Paris after service in World War Two, Bluhm embraced the tenets of Abstract Expressionism. During the 1980s, when this study was completed, he was especially drawn to Renaissance painting and sought to explore the tension between abstraction and figuration.