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Preview image of work. oil on wood (poplar),  Virgin and Child with the Infant Baptist 16424

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Virgin and Child with the Infant Baptist

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Studio of Bronzino


Virgin and Child with the Infant Baptist

Creation Date



16th century


30 3/8 in. x 23 3/4 in. (77.15 cm x 60.33 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Italy

Medium and Support

oil on wood (poplar)

Credit Line

Gift of George and Elaine Keyes in loving memory of his mother, Mary Walcott Keyes


Public Domain

Accession Number


The author of this panel was probably Florentine, working in the orbit of the painter Agnolo Bronzino (1503–1572), one of the principal practitioners of the polished and eccentric late-Renaissance style known as Mannerism. The picture’s steely line and limpid color, and its figures’ marble-white flesh, graceful gestures, and cool elegance of posture, all reflect Bronzino’s distinctive visual language. Though Mary’s glance is directed at the lamb, symbol of her son’s ultimate sacrifice, the Christ child himself strides with confidence like a conquering hero. The work’s palpable sense of three-dimensionality reveals the knowledge of ancient sculpture as well as the towering influence of Michelangelo on Mannerist art.