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Landscape with Dancing Peasants

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Jacques Fouquières (ca. 1580 (active in France) - 1659)


Landscape with Dancing Peasants

Creation Date



early 17th century


17 in. x 23 in. (43.18 cm x 58.42 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Flanders, Flanders

Medium and Support

oil on canvas

Credit Line

Bequest of the Honorable James Bowdoin III


Public Domain

Accession Number


This painting, acquired by James and Sarah Bowdoin when they lived in Paris between 1805 and 1808, still bears its decorative Empire-style frame. The bucolic subject was fashionable again in the early years of the nineteenth century, when many felt it was time to reconnect with nature as an ailment for undesirable hygienic conditions in cities, the political troubles of the era, and for moral improvement. The period saw a revival of landscape painting in the style of the seventeenth century and a renewed appreciation for Dutch, French, and Italian artists of the Baroque period who rendered idealized Italianate landscapes such as this. Jacques Fouquières was a Flemish artist who is said to have collaborated with Peter Paul Rubens before he moved to Paris in 1621, simultaneously with and perhaps prompted by Rubens. He was met with considerable success, and King Louis XIII honored him with the title of baron.

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front with freame

Keywords: landscape (representation)