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Preview image of work. ink wash on paper,  Mancha 17977

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Eugenio Lucas Velázquez (Madrid, Spain, 1817 - 1870, Madrid, Spain)



Creation Date

ca. 1840-1870


mid-19th century


6 1/8 in. x 9 1/4 in. (15.56 cm x 23.5 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Spain

Medium and Support

ink wash on paper

Credit Line

Museum Purchase, Lloyd O. and Marjorie Strong Coulter Fund


Public Domain

Accession Number


Lucas engaged in two distinct categories of artistic production. One of these was a self- conscious emulation of the work of Goya, in both paintings and drawings. The second category was visionary in nature, consisting of drawings in brown or black ink that often began as vaguely conceived landscapes, then evolved into subjects resembling cataclysmic deluges, finally achieving near-total abstraction “avant la lettre.” Lucas was said to have engaged in a hasty ink-blot technique in which splashes of ink or watercolor, dropped randomly on paper, would determine the image that ultimately emerged. These “taches,” or, in Spanish, “manchas” (meaning stain or blotch), are similar but perhaps unrelated to Victor Hugo’s contemporary experiments with ink stains and remain an extraordinary achievement.

Additional Media

Additional Image 166.2009.2.jpg