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Alienation Bench (Limited Edition)

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Robert R. (Ouellette) ; Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers


Alienation Bench (Limited Edition)

Creation Date



early 21st century


42 in. x 70 in. x 22 in. (106.68 cm x 177.8 cm x 55.88 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

American black cherry and ash

Credit Line

Donated on behalf of the Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Object Description

Per Thomas Moser Website(
Successful design often comes from tinkering with available materials. When good things happen from this experience, we call it “serendipity.” Such was the case some years ago when we took in hand spindles, legs, curved braces and a steel form used in pressing the arms and back of the Continuous Arm Chair and applied them to a new purpose. Following a centuries-old tradition, we fashioned a love seat upon which lovers could see eye to eye and sit shoulder touching shoulder.

Alas, some love cools and, to save face, former lovers turn amour into disdain. So we pondered whether a bench might be designed in such a way as to give the cold shoulder to a fellow sitter? Indeed! We called it the Alienation Bench and made one for our former landlord and landlady. (It’s worth noting that they proudly have owned it for over 30 years, and their marriage remains strong.) The bench was actually designed for a public space such as a reception area or an art gallery, where the sitters can be in proximity to one another yet retain physical separation. Unique in shape, it is curvilinear in form and accommodates two people in comfort.

We will build ten limited-edition Alienation Benches for the more adventurous of our customers and offer them for only a short time. Along with the craftsman who builds them, Tom will sign each piece. Rare and unmistakably Moser, the Alienation Bench is sure to be a prized possession that, once seen, is not easily forgotten.

Per the Thos. Moser Alienation Bench Tearsheet (pdf, 654k):
"Following a centuries-old tradition, we fashioned a love seat upon which lovers could see eye to eye and sit shoulder touching shoulder. Alas, some love cools and, to save face, former lovers turn amour into disdain.So we pondered whether a bench mightbe designed in such a way as to give thecold shoulder to a fellow sitter? Indeed! We called it the Alienation Bench and made one for our former landlord and landlady. (It’s worth noting that they proudly have owned it for over 30 years, and their marriage remains strong.) The bench was actually designed for a public space such as a reception area or an art gallery, where the sitters can be in proximity to one another yet retain physical separation. Unique in shape, it is curvilinear in form and accommodates two people in comfort."