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Preview image of work. oil on canvas,  Naval Engagement, Bay of Messina, Sicily 235

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Naval Engagement, Bay of Messina, Sicily

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Bonaventura Peeters, I (Anvers, 1614 - 1652)


Naval Engagement, Bay of Messina, Sicily

Creation Date



mid-17th century


42 in. x 60 in. (106.7 cm. x 152.4 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Flanders, Flanders

Medium and Support

oil on canvas

Credit Line

Gift of Colonel George W. Boyd, Class of 1810


Public Domain

Accession Number


Bonaventura Peeters the Elder—Flemish painter, draughtsman, and etcher—was one of Europe’s leading marine artists, typically depicting battle scenes, storms, and views of the harbors and coasts. Here Peeters depicts a battle off the coast of Messina, Sicily. England and likely Spain’s presence is based on the artist’s use of national and squadron flags, identifying these two naval powers. However, it is unclear whether the artist illustrated a historical event near the port city or a fictitious battle. At the time, Sicily was controlled by the Spanish monarchy, governed by viceroys living on the island. The Ottoman Turks, French, and Dutch were also present in Messina. While the painting depicts the Sicilian landscape, including Mount Etna in the background, it is doubtful that Peeters traveled to there and likely derived inspiration from available engravings, drawings, or paintings of the island.