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Preview image of work. collage on paper,  untitled 24423


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Anne Ryan (1899 - 1954, Morristown, NJ)



Creation Date



20th century


15 1/8 x 11 3/4 in. (38.42 x 29.85 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

collage on paper

Credit Line

Bequest of Hilton and Esta Kramer


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Anne Ryan was an American novelist, poet, and self-taught artist who worked in painting, printmaking, and collage. In the 1930s, Ryan moved to Greenwich Village and comingled with artists such as Hans Hoffmann and Tony Smith, who encouraged her to paint. She did not begin creating visual art in earnest until 1941, when she joined the printmaking workshop Atelier 17 and made woodcuts, monotypes, and intaglios featuring semi-abstract figures and rich, layered surface textures. Ryan transformed her practice in 1948 after seeing German artist Karl Schittwers’ collages, which impressed her with their tactility and the integration of complex abstract forms into a condensed space. From then until her death six years later, Ryan created nearly four hundred small-scale collages incorporating fabric, found media, and hand-made paper. In these exampl es, Ryan creates linear compositions of woven fabrics and textured papers, their frayed and sometimes torn edges evoking the gestures of Abstract Expressionism, a movement with which she was associated. This label was shared with two other Anne Ryan collages in the exhibition, 2017.73.109 and 2017.73.110