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Preview image of work. glazed ceramic,  Turtle with bar code 26131


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Turtle with bar code

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Michael Lucero (1953 - )


Turtle with bar code

Creation Date



20th-early 21st century ?


4 1/2 x 13 x 10 in. (11.43 x 33.02 x 25.4 cm)



Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

glazed ceramic

Credit Line

Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


A lover of animals, ceramic artist Michael Lucero used to purchase turtles in order to set them free, Dorothy Vogel recalls. Lucero’s Turtle, then, may signal a playful bond between the artist and the collector, who kept several as pets. A similar connection to Herb Vogel seems to surface in the Lucero’s Anthropormorphic Face Jug with Old Shoe (on view nearby), which seems to have some resemblance to Herb Vogel’s own physiognomy. A student of Howard Kottler and Patty Warashina at the University of Washington, Lucero has pushed himself to consistently reimagine the potential of his chosen medium of clay. As the artist explains, “I have always challenged myself and always tried to move forward with the ideas. I wanted the work to have a fresh look, and never wanted to bore the viewer—or myself.”