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Rictus [353]

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James Siena (Oceanside, California, 1957 - )


Rictus [353]

Creation Date



late 20th century


11 x 8 1/2in. (27.94 x 21.59 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Credit Line

Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


“Diagonals connect the four corners. A vertical and horizontal run through the intersection of the diagonals, and four diagonals then connect the endpoints of them. These diagonals thus intersect the original two diagonals creating four intersections, which are then connected, to form a rectangle. If the lines composing the second [inner] rectangle are extended to reach the edge of the [drawing], four vertical/horizontal sets are thus created, and four diagonals can be placed (actually, only three are needed to complete them, since one of them is one side of the original configuration) to multiply the number of “nodes” to five. The algorithm can be played out in many directions at this point, and in fact can conceal itself in a grid of high density, but if nodes are placed carefully, surface permutations can result in interesting moments.”--James Siena 2001