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Untitled Studies [409]

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Judith Shea (Philadelphia, PA, 1948 - )


Untitled Studies [409]

Creation Date

ca. 1993


late 20th century


10 x 3 in. (25.4 x 7.62 cm)



Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Trained as an artist and fashion designer, Judith Shea’s sculpture practice explores the relationship between the geometry of garments and the human form. Shea was exposed to clothing from around the world while working as a designer at the United Nations. She was fascinated to note that despite different styles, colors, and fabrics, the shapes used to construct garments—squares, rectangles, triangles—are essentially the same. For Shea, this geometry uses the same vocabulary as abstraction and minimalism; the human figu re and its movement are what activates and transforms garments into supple, pliant materials. In these sculptural studies, the artist evokes the unmistakable curving lines of a human body draped in soft fabric. This label was written for four sculptures from this series that are at the BCMA: 2013.21.261.1-.4