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291 (magazine) Issue No. 3

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Katharine Nash Rhoades (New York City, 1885 or 1895 - 1965); Agnes E. Meyer ; J.B. Kerfoot ; Edward Steichen (Edward Jean Steichen) (Bivange, Luxembourg, 3/27/1879 - 3/25/1973, West Redding, Connecticut); Abraham Walkowitz (1878-1880 - 1965); Marius de Zayas, Paul Haviland, Agnes Ernest Meyer and Alfred Stieglitz


291 (magazine) Issue No. 3

Creation Date

May 1915


early 20th century


19 x 25 3/8 in. (48.26 x 64.45 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Hilton and Esta Kramer


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


A short-lived, but intellectually and aesthetically influential publication, 291 appeared in nine issues between 1915 and 1916. It was named after Alfred Stieglitz’s pioneering New York art gallery, best known by its Fifth Avenue address. While Stieglitz offered his support to the publication, it was managed primarily by the artist Marius de Zayas, the writer Agnes E. Meyer, and the photographer Paul Haviland. 291 published avant-garde poetry, commentary, and visual art. The design of this issue, with a cover by Abraham Walkowitz, is considered particularly innovative and bold.