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Preview image of work. watercolor and ink over pencil on paper,  Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight 29228

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Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight

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Edward Dayes (1763 - 1804)


Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight

Creation Date



18th century


12 1/2 x 16 in. (31.75 x 40.64 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, United Kingdom

Medium and Support

watercolor and ink over pencil on paper

Credit Line

Gift of George and Elaine Keyes


Public Domain

Accession Number


Today, the imposing gate is one of the most photographed views of Carisbrooke Castle. For more than two centuries, tourists have come to this hilltop fortress on the Isle of Wight. Romans, Normans, and powerful medieval landowners established and defended themselves here. In the Elizabethan era, members of the royal family resided in the castle in comfort. For Charles I, however, it was turned into a prison. He was incarcerated at Carisbrooke from 1647 to 1650 before his decapitation. When the young Edward Dayes visited this building, it served as the governor’s seat on the island. Dayes had studied and exhibited at the Royal Academy. Through exhibitions and contributions to print publications, he garnered accolades as an important topographical artist who influenced the young J. M. W. Turner.