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Preview image of work. oil on canvas,  The Torrent of Romsdal, Norway 294


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The Torrent of Romsdal, Norway

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Alexander Ferdinand Wust (Holland, 1837 - 1876)


The Torrent of Romsdal, Norway

Creation Date



19th century


64 1/2 x 105 1/2 x 6 1/2 in. (163.83 x 267.97 x 16.51 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Netherlands

Medium and Support

oil on canvas

Credit Line

Gift of Dexter A. Hawkins, Esq.


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Born in the Netherlands, Alexander Ferdinand Wust immigrated to New York in 1858. As a painter, he specialized in landscapes and found inspiration in the ambitious panoramas of artists such as Frederic Church and Albert Bierstadt. Wust traveled throughout the Northeast to create views and was especially attracted to the Adirondacks and the White Mountains. He also worked in Europe. The Torrent of Romsdal, Norway depicts a river raging through the Romsdalen Valley in central Norway, a region famous in Norse history and mythology. The painting was exhibited in 1875 at the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, where it was offered for $3,000, a large sum for the period. Not long thereafter, New York lawyer and author Dexter A. Hawkins acquired and donated it to Bowdoin.