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Man in Classical Costume

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Artist Unidentified (Italian) [formerly attributed to Pasquale Romanelli];


Man in Classical Costume

Creation Date



late 16th century


7 in. x 10 1/16 in. (17.8 cm. x 25.5 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Italy

Medium and Support

chalk on paper

Credit Line

Bequest of Charles Potter Kling


Public Domain

Accession Number


This striding figure twists his upper body strongly away from the viewer while still displaying his navel, an impossible feat for a living human body. Mannerist artists often strained the human form into decorative shapes defying nature’s limits. Michelangelo recommended to his students that they use the figura serpentinata, an S-shaped form that twists and moves like a serpent, in order to capture not only living movement but also intense grace. Wearing fashionable ankle-high sandals on his tiny feet, a garment that billows out behind in bulging flaps and a fillet around his small head, this figure was probably prepared for some ancient story of plunder or flight, since he appears to carry a sack flung over his shoulder.