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Vertical Roll

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Joan Jonas (New York City, 1936 - )


Vertical Roll

Creation Date



mid-20th century


Running Time: 19:38

Object Type


Medium and Support

black & white, sound

Credit Line

Museum Purchase, Lloyd O. and Marjorie Strong Coulter Fund


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Vertical Roll is among Jonas’s earliest and most canonical works. The percussive sound of a spoon hitting a surface, combined with the optically dizzying effect of the video frame sliding down the screen, disrupt viewing conventions, perhaps as an inter-medial reference to the traditional movement of film through a projector. The video records earlier documentation of the artist performing a range of identities, played back on a monitor that the artist manipulates by altering the signal function to create the “vertical roll.” Fragmenting space and time, Jonas explores the self-reflexive terms of the video medium itself—as both direct projection of another world and a mirror onto our own. Joan Jonas is a pioneer of video art. Her performance-based practice, launched in the 1960s, presents the female body as a conduit for broader investigations of theater, space, and dance as expressions of female identity.