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Sixtus V

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Nicolo de Bonis (before 1580 - after 1592)


Sixtus V

Creation Date



16th century


1 11/16 in. (4.3 cm.)



Creation Place

Europe, Italy

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

44 SIXTUS V Peretti, Pope 1585-90 1589

Obv. Bust to right, tonsured, wearing cope. Around, * SYXTVS * V * PONT * MAX * ; below, AN * V * ; on truncation, . NI . BONIS .
Rev. A bridge with five arches. Around, PONS * FELIX; in exergue, . AN . DOM . M . D . | LXXXIX .
Bronze, 43 mm.

In 1589 Sixtus V commissioned Domenico Fontana to construct the Ponte Felice over the Tiber in the Borghetto. The medal shows an early project for the bridge, which was completed in 1603. As completed, the bridge has only four arches with large eyes in the pylons.

Bibl.: Arm. i, p. 288, 2; Rosati, no. 140; Houston, no. 246 (with variant signature); Tresor Papes, pl. 19, 9; Brescia 2, p. II, no. 153; Supino, no. 513; Martinori, fasc. xii, p. 33; Venuti, p. 168, no. 36; Bonnani, p. 422, no. 34.