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Pius VII Chiaramonti Medal 1804

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Louis Jaley (1763 - 1838)


Pius VII Chiaramonti Medal 1804

Creation Date





Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

Jean-Pierre Droz/Louis Jaley, 299 PIUS VII Chiaramonti, Pope 1800-23 1804

Obv. Bust to right, wearing tiara and cope. Around, PIVS VII P . M . HOSPES NEAPOLIONIS IMP . ; in exergue, DROZ F . | AN XIII .
Rev. Church of Notre Dame, Paris. Monogram of initials M A for Virgin Mary at upper left. Around, IMPERATOR SACRATVS; in exergue, PARISIIS . II . DEC . M . DCCCIV . | XI . FRIM . AN . XIII . ; below, DEN . DIR . JALEY . FEC .
Bronze, struck, 41 mm.

Coronation of Napoleon.

Bibl.: Houston, no. 217; Patrignani, Pius VII, no. 22; Forrer i, p. 624 (Droz obv.); 3, p. 54 (Jaley rev.); E. Edwards, The Napoleon Medals, London 1837, pl. 3, 14.