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Rabbit Hunt

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Georg Labenwolf (1585)


Rabbit Hunt

Creation Date



mid-16th century


2 11/16 in. x 8 9/16 in. (6.9 cm. x 21.7 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Germany

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

374 RABBIT HUNT, Third Quarter of the Sixteenth Century
At the left three hunters stand around a tree. One carries a spear in his right hand and holds a dog; the others strike with clubs a rabbit who is being chased by two other dogs. Two hunters on horseback follow these dogs from the right. All the hunters wear baggy pants, short jackets, caps and swords at their belts.

Bronze, presumably a cast from an electrotype of another specimen, 69 x 217 mm. Four holes at the corners.

Bange attributes this work to a follower of the Nuremberg bronze caster Pankraz Labenwolf, perhaps his son Georg. He refers to the statuette of a hunter kneeling to shoot in the O. Bondy Collection, Vienna (E. W. Braun, "Nuernberger Bronzestatuetten aus der Werkstatte von Georg Labenwolf," Kunst und Kunsthandwerk 23 [1920], p. 129ff., fig. f. if.).
Other specimens: Berlin, Staatliche Museen (lost); Florence, Museo Nazionale (Carrand Collection) ; New York, Metropolitan Museum.

Bibl.: Bange D.M., p. 114, no. 8309; Weber, no. 292.