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The Penitent Saint Peter

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Artist Unidentified


The Penitent Saint Peter

Creation Date

ca. 1600


17th century


4 1/16 in. x 2 13/16 in. (10.3 cm. x 7.1 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Spain

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

Saint Peter, depicted three-quarter length, wearing a belted garment and a cloak, clasps his hands and looks upward. In front and at right, a rock on which grows a grape vine. Two keys lie on the rock. At left, a cock crows on a column which has a line tied around it. Molded border.

Bronze, 103 x 71 mm. Ring at top broken off

Pechstein (nos. 259, 260) points to a related composition on an alabaster relief from Mecheln of the beginning of the seventeenth century and believes this plaquette, as well as no. 410 and the series no. 412 to be Netherlandish works of the second half of the sixteenth century. Exactly those close ties demonstrated by Pechstein between Flanders and Spain in the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries could also speak for the works being Spanish. An Italian influence is discernible, but comparable Netherlandish works are missing. The question of dating remains open. Aftercasts exist from well into the twentieth century; all are bronze, some gilt.

Bibl.: Uraun-Span., p. 17, no. 5; Imbert, no. 215, pi. 45, 1; Middeldorf-Imbert, p. 153 (under nos. 37-39); Saltan, no. 185; Weber, no. 1043. Auction catalogs: Lobbecke, no. 854, pl. 41; Gutekunst Coll., Hirsch, Munich, 8 November 1910, no. 406; Molthein, no. 166, pl. 12; Basel, 1934, no. 494, pl. 16.