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Pieta with Angels

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Artist Unidentified


Pieta with Angels

Creation Date

ca. 1600


17th century


3 3/16 x 2 1/2 in. (8 x 6 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Germany

Medium and Support

bronze, silvered

Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

380 PIETA WITH ANGELS, ca. 1600
In a landscape, Mary sits under the cross holding before her Christ's body, which lies on a cloth held by two angels.

A. Bronze, cast from a reworked model, 80 x 58 mm. Cut at left.

B. Bronze, silvered, reworked, 81 x 64 mm. Edges damaged, traces of fastenings on the reverse.

Bange and Frederiks {Dutch Silver I. The Hague, 1952, no. 117d) compare this lamentation to the series of passion scenes by Arent van Bolten (see no. 397). Composition is based on an Italian model and exists in several variations. The model could either belong to the circle of or, better, to a follower of the Abondio workshop.
Other specimens: (lead) Cologne, Kunstgewerbemuseum; (bronze) Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery; Basel, Historisches Museum; Berlin, Staatliche Museen; Rome, Palazzo Venezia; (silver) Brescia, Museo Civico.

Bibl.: Rizzini, Illustrazione dei civici di Brescia, Brescia 1889, no. 257; Bange, D.M., p. 132, no. 5955, pl. 30; Weber, no. 658.