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Preview image of work. vinyl paint, markers and ink on paper,  Mother & Child 38751

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Mother & Child

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Andrea Dezsö (Satu-Mare, Romania, 1968 - )


Mother & Child

Creation Date



early 21st century


38 x 25 in. (96.52 x 63.5 cm)


Works on Paper

Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

vinyl paint, markers and ink on paper

Credit Line

Courtesy of the Artist


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

This painting represents Dezsö’s practiced approach to developing a richly detailed and colored surface from an ink drawing on paper. Balancing intention and control with improvisation and curiosity, her works visualize unseen and extraordinary connections in the world. In this painting, dynamic patterns and colors disrupt the unity of the forms depicted in deep black ink. Ambiguous yet clearly present, the relationship of the diminutive parent and its robust offspring asks us to reconsider our own experiences. What do we imagine the relationship between a mother and a child looks like? How can our relationships connect or separate us from the world? How do they shape or transform us?