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Preview image of work. watercolor on Awagami Hakuho paper,  The Visitors (Shingles Paintings) 38757


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The Visitors (Shingles Paintings)

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Andrea Dezsö (Satu-Mare, Romania, 1968 - )


The Visitors (Shingles Paintings)

Creation Date



early 21st century


20 1/2 x 17 in. (52.07 x 43.18 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

watercolor on Awagami Hakuho paper

Credit Line

Museum Purchase, Greenacres Acquisition Fund


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Created during Dezsö’s tenure as the halley k harrisburg ’90 and Michael Rosenfeld Artist-in-Residence at Bowdoin College, The Visitors and Neuron People grew out of the artist’s bout with shingles. Through these paintings, Dezsö personified the virus as surreal figures, evoking terrifying and painful sensation of grappling with unexpected “visitors” in the form of a virus that had long laid dormant within her body. The works’ metaphorical implications of this struggle to overcome “demons” hidden within the body—or the body politic—took on new implications soon after the series’ completion, as COVID-19 swept the globe. The virus has not only created an unprecedented need for addressing public health but has also forced the nation—and the world—to acknowledge the long overlooked but deeply-seeded ills of systemic oppression, demanding we confront the contagion in order to heal it.