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You Have Many Friends

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Andrea Dezsö (Satu-Mare, Romania, 1968 - )


You Have Many Friends

Creation Date



early 21st century


24 1/4 x 29 3/4 in. (61.6 x 75.57 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

stone lithography print on paper

Credit Line

Courtesy of the Artist


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

This print, created in the wake of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, examines the need for community and how to address it. Dezsö transforms division into union, disclosing the potential of imagination to reshape the ways in which we see ourselves and others and the relationships that connect us. Unity and clarity in the composition appear as a result of coexisting visual opposites: positive and negative space, light and dark value, repetition and variation, order and randomness, symmetry and asymmetry. All form the complex but cohesive depiction of a community of creatures. These beings and their relationships appear familiar and natural while remaining ambiguous in their connection to our own realities. How are we both distinct and alike from those around us? How do we exist both as individuals and members of a community? How do we support each other? How can we communicate?