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Preview image of work. ink on paper,  Untitled (#1) 41782


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Untitled (#1)

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Ellen Golden (1946 – )


Untitled (#1)

Creation Date



early 21st century


6 x 4 in. (15.24 x 10.16 cm)

Object Type


Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

ink on paper

Credit Line

Museum Purchase, Anne Dorsey Loth Art Acquisition Fund


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Give and Take, and Untitled (#1 to 6) each reflect the meditative process for which Ellen Golden is well known and demonstrate the artist’s recent introduction of color into her previously monochromatic palette. These drawings suggest the artist’s sensitivity to visual language and the tension between abstraction and figuration. Each work begs questions about scale, the relationship of the part to the whole, and the ways in which we read and make sense of the world around us. They also prompt careful reflection upon modes of temporality and the nature of personal experience itself. As the artist writes: “I am interested in patterns within forms, the accumulation of small marks, the spaces in-between, the perception of space and depth, and the interplay of color. Each drawing emerges through a process of discovery.”