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Ippolito Fornasari

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Antonio Travani (b. 1661 - )


Ippolito Fornasari

Creation Date



17th century


2 1/8 in. (5.4 cm.)



Creation Place

Europe, Italy

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

104 IPPOLITO FORNASARI (1627-97) 1692

Obv. Bust to right. Around, HIPP . ABB . FORNASARIVS BON . ARCHIGY . I . C . DEMANEPR . EM; below, AE . AN . 65; on truncation, A . TRAVANVS . F .
Rev. A horse's head facing right, flanked by two laurel branches, holds in its mouth the center portion of a drape which serves as a backdrop. In center, a burst of rays above a small structure supported by an arch of rocks. Under the arch a radiating rock. Above, NOMEN IN ORE SEDET; around, APOLLINI IVRIS VTRIVSQ . VNIVERSITAS A . D . 1692
Bronze, struck, 54 mm. Hole at top

Fornasari was abbot of San Michele del Poggio and professor of law at the University of Bologna.

Bibl.: Rosati, no. 246 (as Trovano); Forrer 6, p. 128; Brescia i, p. 165, no. 1102; MM. 2, p. 171, pl. 142, 4.