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The Last Supper

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Artist Unidentified


The Last Supper

Creation Date



early 17th century


3 1/8 in. x 6 1/4 in. (7.9 cm. x 15.9 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Eastern Europe

Medium and Support

bronze, gilding

Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

Christ, with radiant halo and making a gesture of blessing, sits at the Passover table with six apostles ranged on each side. Several of the apostles wear damask robes. John, to the right of Christ, lays his head on the Saviour's breast; Peter, on the left, looks questioningly at the others; Judas, in the foreground, grasps the goblet. The floor is paved and the architecture hinted at by fluted lines, the walls and background enlivened by punching.

Bronze, gilt, chased, 79 x 159 mm.

This representation varies slightly from a widespread type. The Bible passage represented is not clearly recognizable, namely that on the one hand Christ has blessed the bread and wine, and on the other hand, Judas is marked as the betrayer, since the latter at the same time grasps the goblet (I Cor. 11:23-26). This unclear reference and the slightly different conformation, for example, in the background, denote a provincial workshop. It is influenced by Augsburg works, for parts of the wall and surfaces are enlivened by punching. One may agree with the oral reference of P. Grotemeyer to a localization in Bohemia or Hungary.
Other specimens: New York, Coll. Michael Hall, Esq.; Washington, National Gallery of Art, Widener Collection.

Bibl.: Weber, no. 1050.