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Madonna of Loreto

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Artist Unidentified


Madonna of Loreto

Creation Date



Late 16th century


3 7/8 in. x 2 9/16 in. (9.8 cm. x 6.5 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Italy

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

The Madonna, wearing long flowing robes, her feet resting on clouds, sits on the roof of a church which is seen laterally and rests on waves. Her knees are turned to the left; she looks down to the right, where a child rises from behind the church roof and holds a wreath up to her. With her right arm, she holds her mantle out around the Christ Child's shoulder. The Christ Child stands frontally on a pillow on her right knee and points to the other child with his left hand.

Bronze, 98 x 65 mm. Hole at top.

There are several different versions of the Madonna of Loreto. An earlier one, with another type of the Madonna and without the child with the wreath, but including clouds and heads of angels on the floor, which is in Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Bange, no. 943) is attributed to the style of Sansovino. There are also two variants of this type, one in the Museo Civico in Brescia, F. Rossi, Placchette Sec. XV-XIX (Musei Civici di Brescia, Cataloghi I), Vicenza 1974, no. 117, pl. 63 and another illustrated in Lobbecke, no. 838. Still another variant in Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, shows a standing Madonna (Planiscig-Este., no. 430).