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Preview image of work. drypoint on paper,  Amerikanischer Reiterakt (American Riding Act) 7392


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Amerikanischer Reiterakt (American Riding Act)

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Otto Dix (1891 - 1969)


Amerikanischer Reiterakt (American Riding Act)

Creation Date



20th century


13 9/16 in. x 12 1/8 in. (34.45 cm. x 30.8 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Germany

Medium and Support

drypoint on paper

Credit Line

Museum Purchase, Helen Johnson Chase Fund


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


In Otto Dix’s print only three elements—Indians, horses and the American flag—are in frame. Rough and thick lines are carved within a compact space, invoking a sense of tension and anxiety. Dix’s Indians stand on horseback, wearing huge war bonnets and carrying guns and axes, underscoring their masculinity and violent resistance. Dix was likely inspired by Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show or other imitators who presented stereotypical Indians in staged performances in Germany. In this exemplary German Expressionist print, Dix foregrounds the Indians’ longing for freedom and a refusal to submit. Having endured the brutalities of World War I and the excesses of the Weimar Republic, Dix may have endeavored to regain his courage through this depiction of hard-charging Native Americans.