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Preview image of work. lead-filled bronze cliché,  The Arrival of the King in Paris 8879


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The Arrival of the King in Paris

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Bertrand Andrieu (1761 - 1822)


The Arrival of the King in Paris

Creation Date



late 18th century


3 3/8 in. (8.57 cm.)



Creation Place

Europe, France

Medium and Support

lead-filled bronze cliché

Credit Line

Gift of Mrs. John Rand


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


Andrieu’s medal illustrates the arrival of King Louis XVI with the royal family in Paris in 1789. This richly detailed scene depicts the equestrian statue of Louis XV in the background, King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in the windows of their carriage, and a cheering crowd of well-dressed Parisians surrounding the majesties. However, a woman in the center left, who appears to be brandishing a sword or a stick in opposition to the presence of the royal family, hauntingly foreshadows the royal family’s future demise at the hands of the French people.

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