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Alessandro I de’ Medici (1510–1537), Duke of Florence 1532

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Domenico de' Vetri (Domenico di Polo di Angelo de' Vetri) (ca. 1480 - ca. 1547)


Alessandro I de’ Medici (1510–1537), Duke of Florence 1532

Creation Date



mid-16th century


1 7/16 in. (3.6 cm.)



Creation Place

Europe, Italy

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

ALESSANDRO I DE' MEDICI (1510-37), Duke of Florence 1532 1534

Obv. Bust to right, in cuirass. Around, ALEX . M . FLORENTIAE . DVX . PRIMVS . .
Rev. Peace setting fire to the weapons of war. Around, . FVNDATOR . QVIETIS . M . D . XXX . IIII . ; in exergue, symbol of Mars
Bronze, struck, 36 mm.

Bibl.: Arm. i, p. 151,3; 3, p. 58; Morgenroth, no. 137; Supino, no. 251; Brescia i, p. 30, no. 198; MM. i, p. 199, pl. 44, 3; H. de la Tour, "Domenico di Polo, Medailleur et Graveur de Pierres Fines du Due Alexandre de Medicis," Congrès International de Numistmatique, Paris 1900, pp. 382-99, no. i; Heraeus, pl. 61, no. 10 (insc. variant ALEX . MED . FLORENTINE).