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Rape of the Sabine Women

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Hans Jakob Bayr (17th century - )


Rape of the Sabine Women

Creation Date

ca. 1605-1610


17th century


5 5/8 in. (14.3 cm.)

Object Type


Creation Place

Europe, Germany

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

385 RAPE OF THE SABINE WOMEN, ca. 1605-10
In a broad place, on the left of which stands a colonnade and a triumphal arch, the Roman warriors can be seen abducting the Sabine women. The Romans are in armor or nude or clad only in a cape and a helmet. In the right background, several riders with flags, lances and a standard; on the architecture at left, banners.

Bronze, reworked aftercast, dark patina, dia. 143 mm.

This relief exists as a plaquette with two different border ornaments and as the bottom of a silver vessel, this last in the Louvre, Paris. A drawing in the Uffizi, Florence, attributed to Hans Rottenhammer, can be considered the prototype (Ingrid Jost, "Drei unerkannte Rottenhammerzeichnungen in den Uffizien," Orbis Artium, Utrechtse Kunsthistorische Studien VII; Album Discipolorum Prof. J. G. Gelder, 1963, p. 74 ff., fig. 5). The creation of the relief in the studio of Hans Jakob Bayr is possible.

Other specimens: (lead) Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum; (bronze) Opava (Czechoslovakia), Museum; Santa Barbara, University Art Gallery, Morgenroth Collection; Art Market.

Bibl.: Braun, no. 150, pl. 43; Morgenroth, no. 424; I. Weber, "Rottenhammer-Entwurf fuer ein Goldschmiederelief," Pantheon 27, 4 (1969), p. 328 ff.; Weber, no. 781. Auction catalogs: Rosenheim, no. 792, pl. 40; Molthein, no. 527; Muenzhandlung Basel, Basel, Catalog 2, 8 October 1934, no. 549, pl. 19.