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Preview image of work. gelatin silver print,  Ya Mero (Almost) 9107


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Ya Mero (Almost)

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Manuel Álvarez Bravo (Mexico City, Mexico, 2/4/1902 - 10/19/2002, Mexico City, Mexico)


Ya Mero (Almost)

Creation Date



20th century


7 7/16 in. x 9 7/16 in. (18.9 cm. x 24 cm.)



Creation Place

North America, Mexico

Medium and Support

gelatin silver print

Credit Line

Gift of Michael G. Frieze, Class of 1960


This artwork may be under copyright. For further information, please consult the Museum’s Copyright Terms and Conditions.

Accession Number


A well-dressed couple walks arm-in-arm with a confident stride towards an unknown destination. Their fashionable attire stands in contrast with their environs: a man-made jetty strewn with trash. The cloudy sky and mountain range, whose outline evaporates into the background, convey ideas of vast emptiness and uncertainty. The couple might represent modern Mexico as the country moves towards the future. Ely Spencer ’20 “En la reverberación del sol, la llanura parecía una laguna transparente, deshecha en vapores por donde se traslucía un horizonte gris. Y más allá, una línea de montañas. Y todavía más allá, la más remota lejanía.” “In the reverberation of the sun, the plain looked like a transparent lagoon, undone in vapors where a gray horizon was translucent. And beyond, a line of mountains. And even further beyond, the farthest remoteness.” Juan Rulfo Pedro Páramo (1955)