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Jean D'Anjou

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Francesco Laurana (ca. 1420 - 1502)


Jean D'Anjou

Creation Date



15th century


3 3/8 in. (8.6 cm.)



Creation Place

Europe, Italy

Medium and Support


Credit Line

Gift of Amanda Marchesa Molinari


Public Domain

Accession Number


Object Description

2 JEAN D'ANJOU (1427-70), Duke of Calabria and Lorraine 1464

Obv. Bust to right, wearing tall cap. Around, lOHANES DVX CALABER ET LOTHORINGVS . SICVLI . REGIS PRIMOGENITVS
Rev. Figure of Saint Michael atop a circular temple. In field, . M . CCCC . LXIIII .; around, . MARTE FEROX . RECTICVLTOR . GALLVSQ . REGALIS
Bronze, 86 mm.

The medal should have Laurana's signature below the reverse design. Heiss says the medal was made when Jean, as a result of the negotiations of René with Louis XI and Pope Pius II, awaited auxiliaries at Ischia. Rolfs says it is more likely that the King had the medal made, and Laurana modeled it, when Jean returned from Ischia in 1464.

Bibl.: Corpus, no. 61; Arm. I, p. 42, 6; 3, p. 7a; Kress, no. 26 (also unsigned); Habich, pl. 12, 3; Fabriczy, p. 41 (identifies reverse as Temple of Vesta at Tivoli); Tresor ltal. I, pl. 17, 3; W. Rolfs, Francesco Laurana, 1907, p. 251, pl. 23.2; Heiss, Francesco Laurana, 1882, p. 25.