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Preview image of work. gelatin silver print,  Family belongings moved out of the Camp Croft Area, Near Pacolet, South Carolina 12910

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Family belongings moved out of the Camp Croft Area, Near Pacolet, South Carolina

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Jack Delano (Kiev, Ukraine, 8/1/1914 - 8/12/1997, Puerto Rico)


Family belongings moved out of the Camp Croft Area, Near Pacolet, South Carolina

Creation Date

ca. 1941


20th century


8 1/16 in. x 10 in. (20.48 cm x 25.4 cm)



Creation Place

North America, United States

Medium and Support

gelatin silver print

Credit Line

Gift of Paula and Mack Lee


Reference Image for Kiosk

Accession Number


With the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, the United States accelerated its recruitment and training of new military personnel and opened a series of new Army facilities, including Camp Croft outside Spartanburg, South Carolina. As a photographer for the Farm Security Administration (FSA), Jack Delano documented the construction of the camps, occasionally acknowledging the toll it took on local citizens displaced by the government. About the forced movement of families, such as the one pictured here, Delano wrote to the FSA’s director, Roy Stryker: “They have lived there so long, are attached to their neighbors and friends, have after many years, perhaps, reached the stage of owning their own little piece of land, and now comes the ‘guv’ment’ and tells them they have got to move.”